Find parking spaces in Gothenburg
Parkering Göteborg has many parking spaces for visitors in Gothenburg. There are several different ways to find parking spaces.
How to search for parking spaces
You can search for parking spaces in our parking app Parkering Göteborg or look for the sign Parkering Göteborg, with the additional sign specifying "P-avgift"; meaning that it is a dedicated visitors parking. Of course, you can also use our website to look up where to park in the city.
If you download the app, you can choose if you only want to search for parking spaces or if you also want to pay for the parking.
If you want to pay through the app, you need to add your credit card information. Then add the registration number of your car and you are set to go!
Suggested parking in central Gothenburg
P-hus Heden
Within 5 minutes walking distance to both the city centre´s shopping and restaurants, as well as arenas, hotels and exhibition centres. The parking garage has 721 spaces and is available round-the-clock.
Public transportation with Västtrafik
Västtrafik is responsible for public transport in Västra Götaland. You can check journey details and ticket prices here.
Electric Charging
Parkering Göteborg offer EV charging at many of our public parking spaces in the city centre and we are continuously expanding the number of stations due to customer needs.
To be able to charge your car, you need to download our app Parkering Göteborg.
You pay both the parking ticket and the EV charging by using a separate station number on the signs next to the charging stations.
The charging equipment uses a type 2 plug and you need to have the right charging cable for this type. The easiest way to find our EV charging spaces is using the Parkering Göteborg app; start your search with EV charging and you will see all the available stations.